there's any question left about Democrats having a political
interest in fuelling the border surge, read no farther than this
shocking straight news item in the Washington
Democratic congresswoman is sending staff to Mexico's northern
border town of Ciudad Juárez to find migrants returned from El
Paso, Texas, under the "remain in Mexico" policy, then coaching
them to pretend they cannot speak Spanish to exploit a loophole
letting them to return to the U.S.
National Border Patrol Council's El Paso chapter and several
Customs and Border Protection personnel told the Washington
Examiner aides to Rep. Veronica Escobar, who took over 2020
Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke's district, and
the local Catholic diocese have interviewed thousands of migrants
in Juarez over the past few weeks to find cases where Department
of Homeland Security officials may have wrongly returned people.
we believe is happening is Veronica Escobar's office is going ...
to basically second-guess and obstruct work already done by the
Border Patrol," said one senior union official, who shared
evidence with the Washington Examiner from concerned CBP
managers and rank-and-file members. Those documents have been held
to protect identities.
Examiner report notes an accidentally left file from the
congresswoman's office as evidence that the coaching has been
happening. This isn't anything like Sen. Cory Booker's
stunt in escorting would-be asylum-seekers across the border, which,
however questionable, was nevertheless a legal
process. This is out-and-out fraud, by a member of
Congress sworn to uphold U.S. law, but now using U.S. taxpayer
dollars, via her staff, to teach migrants to give false statements
to immigration officials to ensure that they can stay in the
States. People go to jail for that — marriage fraud,
Social Security fraud...now language fraud.
Examiner notes that the fraudy language claims are based on a
loophole in asylum law, which states that if someone can't speak
Spanish, he doesn't have to remain in Mexico to wait out his asylum
claim in his first country of refuge. Such people, and
whatever illnesses they may be bringing with them — hello, ebola —
can stay here instead. If someone can't speak Spanish,
say, as a Haitian Creole-, or a Mexican Nahuatl- or South American
Quechua Indian–speaker, he gets to come up here, where undoubtedly
the English will be just as incomprehensible, but the welfare
benefits will be rich, given that he won't be able to make a living.
doesn't bother Escobar, whose legislative work amounts to advocating
for the interests of foreigners. The ends always justify
the means. The ends? A foreign border surge
where everyone surging is able to get in.
if nothing else shows how Democrats benefit from the border surge,
through padded census numbers in "dead" low-turnout districts where
practically no one can vote legally to illegally cast ballots to the
expanded welfare state in their districts, which means more
is clearly a crime that the congresswoman must be held to account
for. If illegals can't be held responsible for crimes
they commit, then maybe holding their sponsors to account should
send the message.
It’s another dirty little secret that, for the first time, is
being called out openly by some even as the far-left media continues
to work to hide the truth from the American people.
Congressional districts are allocated by CITIZEN population
based upon the 10-year census. That’s why Democrats and the media
are now so opposed to having a citizen question included in the
census. They don’t want Americans to know how many illegals are
directly influencing the U.S. government. These millions of illegals
are canceling out the votes of citizens and reshaping Congress,
meaning those illegals are creating a Congress that works for them
and not for you. If you’re okay with this go ahead and move on. If
you think this is a serious breach of representative democracy then
you would do well to share this information with others. Remember
how much the Democrats and far-left media cried foul over some
Russian social media election cycle posts? They called it an attack
on America. And yet these same Democrats and far-left media openly
advocate for millions of illegals voting in our elections and
influencing seats in Congress.
That’s insane.